
Seveness - Chris Spheeris


《Europa 梦回欧罗巴》— Seveness

音乐人: Chris Spheeris 克里斯· 西菲里斯





专辑风格:成人另类 Adult Alternative, 前卫电子 Progressive Electronic, 氛围音乐 Ambient, 轻音乐 Easy Listening

地区:United States of America 美国风格:Folk Pop, Adult Alternative, Ambient, Easy Listening



02 Seveness   

03 Laguna   

04 Pavane   

05 Bellaire   

06 Aqualuna   

07 Lanotte   

08 Taiku   

09 Maya  

Chris Spheeris介绍:

Chris Spheeris,浪漫而潇洒的绅士,英俊的面容后面是一位杰出的音乐作曲家和演奏家。从小多才多艺的他,八岁就能在画布上画抽象画,十一岁开始尝试写诗,十二岁便抱着他自己的吉他为其写歌,到了十五岁他开始将其诗作谱上曲韵后,正式开创了他的作曲生涯。后来在70年代末80年代初,他遇见了另一个吉他手Paul Voudouris,之后便开始学习其它的乐器,比如键盘和贝司等。1985年他和著名的哥伦比亚唱片公司签约,并推出了个人第一张专辑,并由此开始他的辉煌生涯。 

其实,Chris Spheeris已浸淫New Age乐界达十年之久,只因缺乏跨国唱片公司集团作有计划的密集宣传,才会在知名度上逊于其它音乐家。但就音乐的质感而言,他重现爱琴海滨历史氛围的功力可说无人能及。由于对宗教仪式特别感兴趣,他在旋律创作上受东正教、希腊民谣的影响极深。 
精采纷呈的吉他变装秀 魅力四射的原创演奏曲 
西班牙、希腊、北非、美国finger style与流行爵士风的激赏融合 

New age composer/multi-instrumentalist Chris Spheeris began writing songs on his guitar as a teenager. Inspired by the sacred and folk music of his Greek heritage and other world music, classical music, and pop, Spheeris fused these elements together into his own unique musical style. The folk aspects of his music were prominent early in his career as part of a duo with guitarist/composer Paul Voudouris in the '70s and early '80s. After they disbanded, Spheeris began to create a more complex, keyboard-based sound, which he documented on self-produced demo tapes. One of these demos found its way to the A&R department at Columbia Records, with whom Spheeris signed a deal in 1985. The label released his debut album, Desires of the Heart, and Pathways to Surrender before he left in the early '90s to form his own label, Essence, which released most of his solo output and two reunions with VoudourisEnchantment and Nothing but the Truth. Along with his solo albums, Spheeris has also composed scores for cable and public television documentaries. He released his Higher Octave Records debut, Dancing With the Muse, in early 2000.(虾米音乐)


While the title Europa may have you expecting some sort of connection to the Santana masterpiece, what guitarist Chris Spheeris and keyboardist Paul Voudouris a...

While the title Europa may have you expecting some sort of connection to the Santana masterpiece, what guitarist Chris Spheeris and keyboardist Paul Voudouris achieve is stirring in its own right. Often when artist credit is billed to two equals, one winds up playing all the melodies while the other provides some supportive harmonic structure. Here, there is an even trade off. Spheeris takes command acoustically before his partner slinks in for an extended solo, and vice versa on the next track. As is typical of artists associated with the gray area between jazz and new age, the two aim for a soothing vibe rather than a chops explosion. The effect of the exotic if understated percussion is gorgeously hypnotic, like a hang glider soaring into a fertile terrain of clear sky and wind. Despite the soft veneer, Spheeris stands out as a surprisingly plucky guitar master. In time, some of the pieces run calmly together. But for all intents and purposes, it's a conceptual project, so it must be part of the grand design.  (网易云音乐)

